書籍刊行:海の歴史と未来( 人と生態系のダイナミクス 4 )


「シリーズ: 人と生態系のダイナミクス 4
海の歴史と未来 | 堀 正和, 山北 剛久 |本 | 通販 | Amazon


第1章 日本の海の利用と変遷
1.1 最終氷期から縄文期
1.2 弥生時代から江戸末期
 コラム1 海の神々と船を操る人たち
 コラム2 アワビとその採集の歴史
1.3 近代から現代へ:漁法の発達と漁獲の拡大
 コラム3 江戸・明治から昭和初期にかけての漁業・漁法の発展
1.4 第1章のまとめ

第2章 生物多様性の特徴
2.1 海における原生的自然観とは
 コラム4 気候変動と海進
2.2 海-陸間での人や生物の相互作用
2.3 撹乱と海洋生物
2.4 モザイク景観と生物多様性
 コラム5 里海の創成

第3章 現状の課題
3.1 陸域・人間活動の発展の光と陰
 コラム6 海洋プラスチック問題
3.2 海の利用とガバナンスの変化
3.3 漁業とその近代化による自然資本と生態系サービスの変化
3.4 気候変動と生態系の変化の事例

第4章 人と海辺の生態系の未来―課題解決への取り組み―
4.1 新しい海域利用に向けて
4.2 陸と海との関係の再構築
コラム7 社会生態システムとは
(2)漁港・漁村・漁場の多面的機能の再評価 (コベネフィット)
4.3 集水域から海辺までの統合沿岸管理
4.4 ガバナンスの再構築:環境保全に配慮した生態系管理へ
4.5 国際的組織と連携した地域管理
4.6 現在・将来に向けた取り組みのまとめ:むすびにかえて


Chapter 1 The Marine Use and Changes in Japan

1.1 From the Last Glacial Maximum to the Jomon Period
(1) Origins of the use of the sea in Japan
(2) Paleolithic: The origins of the peoples of the Japanese archipelago and the people who traveled across the sea
(3) Jomon Period: The use of marine products as observed from shell mounds

1.2 From the Yayoi Period to the Late Edo Period
(1) Amabe (Marine Department) and the Organization of Fishermen from the Kofun Period to the Asuka Period
**Column 1: Gods of the Sea and People Who Operate Boats.
(2) Food and Logistics in the Kofun, Asuka, Nara and Heian Periods as seen in documents from Shosoin and Mokkan (library and wood tag)
**Column 2: Abalone and the History of Abalone Harvesting in Japan
(3) Cultural services of the sea, Shio-hi-gari(shellfish harvesting), and Iso-asobi (playing on the rocky shore)
(4) Expansion of Trade and Transportation of Kelp and Herring Lees by Kitamae-bune Boat
(5) Use of marine products as a source of fertilizer

1.3 From Modern to Contemporary: Development of Fishing Methods and Increase in Fisheries Catch
(1) Historical background to the development of modern fisheries
(2) Establishment of modern fishery and fishery law
**Column3: Development of fishery and fishery law from Edo/Meiji to early Showa period
(3) Emergence of aquaculture
(4) Emergence of marine leisure activities
1.4 Summary of Chapter 1

Chapter 2 Characteristics of Biodiversity

2.1 What is the primeval view of nature in the sea?
(1) Historical background of the establishment of coastal ecosystems
(2) Overview of climate change around the Japanese Islands
**Column 4: Climate Change and the marine transgression

2.2 Interactions of people and organisms between sea and land
(1) Land use and its connection with rivers and the sea
(2) Natural circulation from sea to land

2.3 Disturbance and marine organisms
(3) Disturbance and transition as a mechanism of species coexistence
(4) Relationship between spatial scale of marine organisms and anthropogenic disturbance
(5) Effects of disturbance on marine organisms and historical changes in fishing pressure
(6) Human activities as disturbance in the sea: recent overuse and underuse

2.4 Mosaic Landscape and Biodiversity
(1) The concept of landscape and satoyama
**Column 5 Creation of Satoumi
(2) Concept of the effect of landscape mosaic on biodiversity
(3) Effects of landscape mosaic on marine benthos
(4) Effects of landscape mosaic on fishes
(5) Relationship between landscape mosaic and humans as a future issue

Chapter 3 Current Issues
3.1 Light and shadow of the development of terrestrial and human activities
(1) Disconnection between agriculture and fisheries
(2) Marine Pollution, Coastal Development and Artificial Seawalls
**Column 6: Marine Plastic Problems

3.2 Changes in ocean use and governance
(1) Changes in food culture: from small fish to tuna
(2) From a place of food culture to a place of industry
(3) The need to rethink governance: changing demands for ecosystem services

3.3 Changes in natural capital and ecosystem services due to fisheries and their modernization
(1) When overfishing occurs
(2) Shift to aquaculture
(3) Relationship with fish farming

3.4 Examples of climate change and ecosystem change
(1) Decline in natural capital
(2) Decreasing demand and increasing unused resources

Chapter 4 The Future of People and Coastal Ecosystems: Approaches to Solving Problems
4.1 Toward a Renewed Marie Use

4.2 Reconstructing the relationship between land and ocean
(1) Regional restoration of natural capital and ecosystem services
**Column 7: What is a social-ecological system?
(2) Reassessing the multifunctional role of fishing ports, fishing villages, and fishing grounds (co-benefits)
(3) Adaptation to climate change

4.3 Integrated coastal management from catchment to seashore

4.4 Restructuring Governance: Towards Environmentally Conscious Ecosystem Management

4.5 Regional management in collaboration with international organizations
(1) Regional assessment of marine areas and identification of important marine areas
(2) Marine protected areas in Japan
(3) Management of marine protected areas to protect biodiversity and its effects
(4) Considering socio-economical changes in the future

4.6 Summary of current and future efforts: Concluding remarks

Index of Terms
Index of organism names